Sunday, March 9, 2008

An Unexpected visit form "Ralph"

This lovely Sunday afternoon did not go as planned. We had a nice family day scheduled of church, lunch out and spending the afternoon at our parish St. Patrick's Day carnival where we were going to play game booths and enter to win all kinds of prize baskets and raffles and hopefully run into some fellow parishioners that we're working on friendships with. A day we had been looking forward to.

At mass, Barrett was acting a bit listless. I was thinking it was due to the lost hour of sleep due to Daylight Savings Time. I just new that dreaded "spring ahead" would cause me some trouble. After church we headed to the ATM to get out our raffle-paying cash when Barrett proclaimed that she had to throw up. Brad ripped her from her car seat and stood her in the bank parking lot where she could heave upon the pavement. All the while, I was having flashbacks of college.

Change of was time to head home. We were almost there when I looked back and Peyton had a weird look on her face. I immediately dumped all of the contents of the girls' "church purse" in one swift motion and opened it under Peyton's chin. All I will say is that the frilly pink purse that we bring filled with entertaining munchies and toys to church every single week is in the garbage can waiting by the curb. And instead of fun, the afternoon has been filled with hurried trips to the restroom where I hold hair back and give encouraging words. Seriously, at one point BOTH girls were barfing into the same toilet bowl simultaneously! I have to admit that was quite a rare comedic moment of motherhood.

As I sit here typing I feel nothing but dread. Where did this come from? How long will "Ralph" be staying? How many bed cleanups and interrupted night's sleep will the Lord bestow on me this time? I feel like I was just here. The housework will suffer, the laundry will pile up. It could be days or even weeks before things bounce back into normalcy. Dread , I tell you!

Worst of all...I just changed the girl's sheets this morning. Dammit!

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