Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trying to Commit

Okay...let's give this a try. I'm starting this blog because I have been terribly neglectful in recording the activities and milestones of my two daughters. They both have such character and such fun, it would be a terrible injustice not to get some of it documented.

I am an only child of a single mother and I know whenever I come across a piece of information that is reminiscent of my past, I cherish it. I want them to have something to cherish as well.

I'll start by introducing my girls....Barrett is my older daughter, she is five years old and the introvert of the two. Although I would not describe her as shy, she can come off that way in unfamiliar company. I can already tell that she will be very intelligent in school, she is a rule-follower and really cares how she is perceived by others, especially authority figures. When she wants to learn to do something she is persistent in teaching herself to do so. She has recently attended her very first ice-skating lesson (many falls to the bum but just as many successful recoveries), she is anxious to read and she taught herself how to jump rope. She is now up to 13 consecutive jumps! At home, she loves to sing and dance and perform in front of the family, but get her in front of anyone else and she freezes up. This MAY affect her chances of becoming a future American Idol.

Now, my youngest is a different story. Peyton is a tiny, curly-head, two year old, crazy girl who is more that willing to perform the soundtrack of High School Musical at the top of her lungs for all the patrons of Schnucks or Walmart. She wants to do everything her big sister does and picks up on things at bullet speed. However, she is much more of a challenge to do what she is told. If it wasn't for her adorable curls and her fantastic sense of humor she would probably be in trouble most of the time. I am not sure how she will perform in a school-setting, but we shall see in the fall.

As the two of them continue to grow, I am seeing how THEIR talents and interests are truly going to fill MY day and MY life and I'm really excited about that. These two little girls are my everything and my biggest ambition is to do right by them. Documenting their fantastic little lives is a start.

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